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[mobi] Four Corners 3 Teachers Free Zip Book


Hi! I'm a fourth grade teacher and I want to share with you my favorite way to organize classroom materials. The Four Corners method is simple and really helps keep the classroom clean and accessible. In this post, we'll cover how to set up your four corners, what type of things should go into each section (think: big and little jobs for students), and tips for using the system in general. Let's get started! 1) Set up your four corners: one at the front of the room, one in the back left corner, one in the back right corner, and one on your desk or table. 2) Decide what you want to store in each corner. Use this list as a guideline: Back corners: backpacks, backpacks, backpacks. You can also put together small file folders or cubbies for stuff that doesn't fit into the larger sections. Center row: answer sheets, pens , pencils, rulers, scissors . Small plastic bins are great for holding these items. Keep everything labeled so you know where each item goes. Classroom worktables or tables : pencils , paper clips, erasers , tape dispensers/holders/stickers ... Bigger items, like binders and notebooks should be stored in the center row near student desks. Desk/table area: books, computers, homework folders , paper , folders . It's helpful to label each section (e.g., pencils, sticky notes, etc.). 3) Always make sure to place your four corners back in their appropriate spots. You'll know they're there when you need them! Download Four Corners 3 Teachers Book Here 4 Corners 3 Teacher's Book http://www.4corners3teachersbook. com/*The Quadrant Method was originally developed by Dr. Edie Mahew, an occupational therapist who found a need for a self-contained system for managing kids' activities in the classroom. We have adapted it from her original work and have added 4 keys to the system which will help you teach better.* This free book is available in PDF format beyond by visiting this link. 4 Corners 3 Teachers Book - The Quadrant Method http://www.4corners3teachersbook. com/ Number the corners as shown on the Four Corners 3 Teachers Book.  Then, as you use your Four Corners 3 Teachers Book, label each section as described above. This will help kids navigate what is expected of them and help you see what is going on with your class. You’re now ready to set up your four corners!  Make sure that everything is organized and labelled correctly. You can clean up more easily if you start off organized. cfa1e77820


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